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with 5700 square feet of usable space, the hall can accommodate events up to 481 People.


FroNT FOYER ~ 720 sq ft

maiN hAll ~ 4500 sq ft

daNce flooR ~ 720 SQ Ft

ceilinGs ~ 20 ft


WomeN's WashrooM

240 SQ Ft (7 faciLities & 4 sinKs)​


MeN's WashrooM

250 SQ Ft (7 faciLities & 4 sinKs)


Total useable space is 5700 square feet

(this does not include the kitchen, chapel and lower level meeting rooms)

occupancy limits


Chairs with Tables (Dining & Alcohol)

maximum 388 people


Chairs Only (Ganged)

 maximum 481 people


Chairs with Tables (No Dining or Alcohol)

maximum 449 people


Chairs with Tables & Dance Floor (Dining & Alcohol)

maximum 327 people



Floor Plan # 1

60 inch round tables and Chairs

head table, gift table & cake tablE

DJ table

no dance floor


occupancy ~ 250 guests

Floor Plan - 250.jpg

Floor Plan # 2

60 inch round tables and Chairs

head table, gift table & cake tablE

DJ table

dance floor


occupancy ~ 200 guests

Floor Plan - 200.jpg

Floor Plan # 3

60 inch round tables and Chairs

head table, gift table & cake table

DJ table

dance floor


occupancy ~ 140 guests


Floor Plan - 140.jpg

Floor Plan # 4

Theatre style seating

1ft riser/stage

dance floor


occupancy ~  341guests


Floor Plan # 5

Theatre style seating

1ft riser/stage

no dance floor


occupancy ~  481 guests


Floor Plan # 6 & 7


 27-53 vendors


occupancy ~  481 guests


Floor Plan - Vendor Show.jpg
Floor Plan - Vendor Show 2.jpg

Floor Plan # 8



occupancy ~  388 guests


floor plans FESTIVAL.jpg
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